Sermons from August 2021

Sermons from August 2021

Community Culture

Hey, let’s go. Let’s do this Church, have a seat. I was worried about you as a second service. Honestly, just before we start, I’ll be honest. The first service was has been amped the last couple of weeks and y’all came in kind of slow rolling and now you’re starting to get more excited. You slept in, you know, you should be fresh, refreshed, ready to go. So thanks for coming. Thanks for coming. My name is Michael with…

Gospel Culture

Good morning. So a church. Good morning. Good morning. How are you guys doing this morning? Who? You guys are doing? Really good. You’re enjoying your fellowship. That’s also good. My name is dan. I’m one of the five elders here. Um, if I haven’t met you yet, Look forward to meeting you. And if I have met you and I forgot your name, please forgive me. Um, I don’t do that on purpose as a part of my Brokenness,…

One in Christ

Amen. Let’s give it up for our college. Please be praying for Alex Chloe Ryan Zain faith Derek john as they are doing collegiate ministry on your behalf at U. N. L. This next couple weeks. This is go time. So welcome college students. If you’re on the livestream, welcome. If you’re from Solar Church, welcome. If you’re from Restoration City Church, welcome. If this is your first time visiting us welcome. There’s a lot going on this morning. It’s…


he was in the form of God did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every morning, so that at the name of…

Love that Controls

couple things that I think are kind of ironic this morning. Um first and foremost, somehow I got the early morning time slot with a bunch of teenagers who were out late last night, having fun and I feel like that’s easily the toughest time slot in the group. But um, that’s okay. The ironic thing about that is that those of you that know me well, have heard me say this before. Um, I I am not a motivator.…

Jars of Clay – Temporary vs Eternal

all right in my arms. Sweet. Well that’s some people gather in. Hey guys. Uh man, it’s fun to be here. My name is while people are coming in, I’ll tell you a little bit about who I am. Believe it or not. I’m not a high school student. I know, I look like one, you know, don’t worry. I was a counselor at a camp one time and I was playing basketball and one kid came up to me…

The Glory of the Gospel

Good evening. It’s great to see all of you here this evening. I would ask you now if you would turn in your bible or turn on your bible to Second Corinthians Chapter Three I have the privilege of teeing it up for Z and kurt and brad And we’ll be working our way through 2nd Corinthians tonight and tomorrow morning. So, uh, you have a bible open. I want to introduce this passage 1st of all. Want to, I…

Stand Firm

All right, good morning. It’s good to be with you if you’re joining us online, Thanks for joining us. It has been really fun. It’s been a pleasure to be working through Philippians and so today we’re gonna reach the last chapter we’re in, starting chapter four and this is really just been paul all throughout talking to the Philippians church as he is encouraging them, he is exhorting them to live a godly life in christ, jesus, right? That’s…