Sermons from September 2022

Sermons from September 2022

Rooted in Service

All right, good morning, good morning everyone. My name is Shane and one of the pastors here, I haven’t had a chance to meet you welcome and hopefully I can meet you to talk to you and greet you afterwards. We are working through a series called rooted and if you’re familiar with that, there’s some workbooks, there’s a book back there. A lot of our community groups are working through that, but if not, uh, it’s no problem jumping…

Rooted in the Grace of Repentance

Good morning, good morning, my name is dan. I’m one of the four elders here. If I haven’t met you, welcome to Sword Church, we’re glad you’re here. You hope that you connect with us and give us a chance to get to know you maybe hear your story, you learn a little bit about our story and we figure out how we can help you to know christ, more encourage you and your walk with christ and help you…

Rooted in Prayer

Good morning. Welcome. Welcome. Come on in. Hey, my name is mike, one of the pastors on staff here at, so a church, It’s great to be with you. We, uh, I’m excited about our content today, what we’re gonna look at, I like to open up a short story. So I have a wife and my wife makes me go to the doctor and I go to the doctor once a year and they take blood, they check my…

Rooted in Daily Devotion

there we go, got to flip that on, I was worried earlier that my breathing into the mic was causing that sensation of static that you guys heard it was either my breathing or my beard one of the two. Um but good morning, if I haven’t met you, my name is dan one of the elders here, four of us here and um so glad that you’re here, so good to be in the house of the Lord, so…