Desperate for Jesus

Desperate for Jesus

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. We are starting Luke End of Chapter eight. Names Mike. One of the pastors, it’s great to be a few this morning. Anyone heard the phrase desperate times, call for desperate measures. Here we go. Here we go. So the rest of you, there’s this phrase desperate times call for desperate measures to Luke. Chapter eight looks at two very different people in different situations that are in desperate situations. One, the first we are introduced to is a parent whose only daughter is dying and who is desperate to get used to go to his house and saved his daughter’s life. The second we see is a desperate attempt of a chronically ill woman to have an encounter of jesus luke is the author of the book of luke. He got real creative like I am with my sermons and he looked at some of the main message is the main themes of the gospel of luke. I just love reading all the gospels because we see jesus words and his actions and his words speak a message and have meaning, but his actions are rich and saturated and deep meaning also. And so I just love looking at the gospels with you guys. The main theme from today, The main message from today’s passage we’re looking at is everyone needs to be desperate for jesus. So in light of that, let’s pray God, I thank you for today. I thank you for all the men and women and all the different journeys were on and we’re all right with you. We could be near you, jesus, we can be far from you, jesus, we can be somewhere in the middle. We don’t know, I definitely don’t know where everyone is with you personally. But you do your personal god who has personal word and a personal connection of every single person you save. I ask that we would all realize our desperate need we have for you we are spiritually bankrupt, socially bankrupt, physically bankrupt, financially bankrupt before you jesus. We all desperately need to have an encounter. Few jesus if you realize it or not this is for us. I prayed this message, this passage, we look at the word of God will instruct the people of God, convict us with the spirit of God to live out the life you want us to be living. We commit this time to you in jesus name amen. Alright, so luke eight if you have our house bibles, that’s page five of five. If you have your own bible that’s in luke. Chapter eight if you’re using our steady guide That is section six is what we’re looking at today. Section six. If you don’t have a study guide you can have on Ryan and I talked, we decided you can have a steady guide so we have enough extra. We’re not going to get them out. If you have a friend who wants to study guide, you can take a study guide, your friend but those are tools and resources to help you. And so, looking at the passage luke eight picking up in verse 40 Let’s just let’s just circle the mental wagons and remind ourselves what happened all in the beginning of Luke eight, the 1st 39 verses that will recover the last two weeks here at this church, Jesus, Jesus is coming back from the he just left the galleon see he went to the eastern side of the lake where he cast out man possessed by demons who had 2000 demons in him. The demons were known as legions. He had supernatural strength. There was a supernatural encounter with jesus and jesus showed that he was God over the supernatural, the strange, the weird, the wild, the mr the mysterious, scary, supernatural, jesus had power and authority over the supernatural. And we see the last week that last week’s passage in last week’s sermon, there’s two kinds of responses to Jesus, the people of the town who wanted nothing to do with Jesus, and then the person who was possessed by demons who lived in the cemetery who’s walking around naked and chained, how he wanted everything to do with jesus luke. The author, contrast to typical responses to jesus, both witness the same compassionate jesus, both were scared of the evil. Both saw this, this jesus touched the untouchable, ranged and reachable, and just change everything. And they had two different responses. It’s an example for us as readers to look over this passage of luke and see that there’s a range of how people tend to respond to jesus. Both groups last week had different responses. One embrace the compassionate, powerful savior and goes and tells everyone is this evangelist, the other rejects the compassionate, powerful savior and tells him to get out of town. That same idea we see here in Luke eight that we’re looking at today, luke bundles these stories together, dan had some excellent sermons last two Sundays, the jesus and disciples on the boat crossing the ocean, the lake. Um and this huge tremendous storm came along and then with a word, they will come up and forward. The wind of the wave ceased and stopped and that just looks desire for us to see that jesus power and authority control over the natural earth. And then we go on to the next section about the demonic possessed, demon possessed man, jesus, his power and authority control over the supernatural world. And then today the author’s intent is that we would look at this passage about these desperate people and see that jesus power and authority and control over disease, sickness and death, pain and suffering, jesus power and authority control over. And today it’s not like a rabbi rolling into a town and preaching at a synagogue. Like we’ve read about previous weeks. Today, jesus on the clock, he’s on a rescue mission to save a girl from dying time is ticking by and you can feel the tension in the story as you read it and this is this chapter. Today is the end of year two of jesus public ministry and then next week we’re launching the beginning of year three and chapter nine of jesus Public Ministry. We’re looking at pain, suffering and death. Let’s read verse 40 when jesus returned, the crowd welcomed him for they were all expecting him, verse 41. Just then a man named Darius came, he was the leader of the synagogue. He fell down at jesus feet and pleaded with him to come to his house Because he had an only daughter about 12 years old and she was dying. I’ve shared this before. If I can have any marvel super human power, strength marvel thing, who cares about flying, Who cares about hulk smash and stuff. If I could have any marvel super power, I would be able to heal like jesus. I would get on my private jet, which the world government would give me and I’ll go through, I’d run through strategic major cities in north America and the jet would fly into south America, take a little paran apples, the flower to africa up to Asia and then europe and then south Asia, my orders messed up, but we’ll work it out logistically, I’d run down the hallways slapping hands of sick people, I would, I would mitigate Covid there’ll be a hot spot when this, when this, jesus healer, pastor blew into town and blew it up with healings and death sickness disease. There’s an amazing supernatural power of jesus healing lives, jesus transforming lives their soul and their physical health. And that is one of the most amazing compelling cases about jesus divinity is the fact that there was a man named jesus who lived taught and died, who had a marvelous mysterious healing ministry, private and public mega massive healings and intimate private healings all throughout different secular historians and christian historians. Super power to heal like jesus. That’s my answer. But the first character that joins this scene we read about is Jarius Jarius, some scholars think was not friendly to jesus previously in the bible. When you read about his encounter with jesus Jarius was a ruler in the synagogue of Capernaum who’s a well known religious leader. He was influential, powerful, prominent historians say biblical historians say the rule of a synagogue in this region were often given this title because they were a large donor. So they had this honorary title given to them. So he’s wealthy. He’s well slot of and he’s also a father. He’s a desperate dad. He’s an only child, the 12 year old girl who is on the cusp of going from a child to a young lady. The beginning of 13 is when she steps into adulthood, arranged marriage and all that stuff starts in the Jewish culture and this dad is desperate because the local physicians are failing and he’s becoming more and more desperate as his daughter becomes more and more weak. He is nine parts desperate, one part hopeful that this jesus that healed other people’s kids, other people’s families could heal his family heal his daughter. And while he was going verse 42, the crowd was nearly crushing Jesus and a woman suffering from bleeding for 12 years who had spent all she had on doctors and yet could not be healed by any. So you need to notice something here. So there’s Jarius and there’s just no named woman and they’re complete opposites and how they come to jesus, how they encounter. Jesus, Jarius gets to go first, he’s prominent, well thought of, he gets to ask for his daughter to be healed and then Jesus changes the direction is going to Jarius house. Everyone’s like, yep, makes sense, Jarius gets first dibs, we will, will bat cleanup after jerry starts the healing party. Um, the woman has to fight her way through a mob of people to secretly seek jesus help. But jerry’s gets to go first, jerry’s is a man, he’s the top of his social ladder, he’s wealthy, he’s influential, he’s a prominent, powerful leader among his people. He’s religiously accepted, he’s ceremonial clean this woman, she had chronic illness, she was poor, she had no name, no occupation reported she was poor. She spent everything she had on trying to heal her condition. She has a poor network, She’s ceremonially unclean according to the jewish customs and she’s religiously rejected. There’s a stark contrast between the man and the woman and how they both encounter jesus and they’re both desperate. You see the words 12, 12 2 different times here. There’s a 12 year old sick girl And then this woman has been sick for 12 years. A 12 year old woman who’s been sick with chronic bleeding has been ostracized of physical pain to characters. One character, they’re come, they’re compelled to come to and they have this core part of their being where they want to connect with jesus and exactly the same level. There’s this core part of both the woman and the man’s life where they both need jesus, they both need the same thing. They reached the same conclusion. They had hope that maybe what if might jesus have time for me, might jesus have some saving, healing for me and my family. They’re both utterly desperate for jesus to save them and luke wrote this with a purpose to show us a range of situations we find ourselves in and people around us in what caused this woman will cause Jarius to become so desperate of their need for jesus that they thought to themselves, I need jesus to save me or maybe jesus can save me. What got them to that breaking point where they quit relying on physicians, they quit relying on other things, they start to rely on jesus. You see luke knows what I know what some of, you know, we all need jesus, young and old, rich people need jesus, poor people need jesus educated, uneducated, healthy sick men and women, influential people in this room and obscure people in this room. We all desperately need to have an encounter with jesus, we all just don’t realize we need jesus, but we all desperately need jesus Verse 40 to look at that again, when he was going, the crowds were nearly crushing him, I don’t think luke was being dramatic, the disciples had an interesting role, they had multiple hats, they were, they were part part bouncer, part theologian, part apostle, part church planter, part you know, crowd control, they got creative as time went on with how they managed the mob that was hoarding around jesus. If you think of this room, we barely got the front row filled here. If jesus was preaching this morning, I would be right there next to you, trying to push you all the way to get even closer to jesus, jesus a little bit different, not just the pastor, jesus, the pastor of pastors, he’s jesus and so people knew there was something different and they want to get as close to them as possible, so the disciples had some solutions you’ll read about or we have read about, they would put us on a boat off in the water, thinking that’ll keep the people from going to close to jesus who can preach to them and they packed up the beach and they kind of waited on the water and you just preach from the boat because you can’t tread water, the whole sermon, you know, eventually you gotta get back little shallower water. And there’s other places you read around the bible where the people were trying to bring a sick friend who was paralyzed his whole life to jesus and they tore open a roof because they couldn’t get to jesus. I mean going to church through the roof is not an ideal route. Uh the mob of people require them to get creative. The mobs of people following, jesus made the enemies of jesus incredibly jealous of jesus because he had the hearts of the nation, the people loved jesus. Now remember the context, the context gives us passage color. None of us are going home to watch black and white tv all day, we’re going home to watch color tv all day, high def big screen color tv all day and so think of the color of this passage. Um, the crowds left when jesus left, the crowds were left wanting more and she’s had suddenly went away in a boat, is what we read about earlier, they might have seen this tremendous storm coming from the disciples and use in the boats and they’re worried about him and then it all stopped and instantly just went quiet. That was a weird supernatural thing, they saw the fourth thing they might have been able to hear in legion. The demon possessed man moaning and screaming and shrieking at night at all hours of the day, but at the still of night they might be able to hear the demons existence and getting cast out across the lake. They probably spent hours and hours waiting and watching different boats come across, wondering if it was just in his disciples. There was, this was a must see tv for these people. This was a big event. Things like this didn’t usually happen in this region in the world. Then slowly word gets out and juice that his disciples were back and it seems like the disciples were in full blown bodyguard mode trying to work, jesus through this mob of people to jerry’s house Verse 43, a woman suffering from bleeding for 12 years spent all she had on doctors and yet could not be healed by any is what we talk about. The second character we read about. Scholars point out that Mark doesn’t have the professional doctor touched at Lucas. He says that she actually got worse as she spent more money and more time went on, she got worse. Medical. This is a medical disorder scholars think a year and hemorrhaging 12 years of nonstop cramping, aching pain, blood loss, her health system was weakened, her home hormones and her body were imbalanced because of the blood loss her weakened immune system because of the blood loss. She was exposed to more infection because of the blood loss. 12 years of bleeding. I have bled But not for 12 years. I have bled, I’ve had surgeries, terrible cuts and scars. I’ve had dogs shred my leg, I’ve had all kinds of interesting creative cuts and scars in my life where I bled Nothing like 12 years of bleeding. This is a horrible physical condition, but there’s also a horrible reality that compounds as you think about it. According to the jewish law medical law, a woman that was in the state of this woman of bleeding was ceremonially unclean. That means a jewish woman at that day could not go to religious services until her bleeding stopped. So for 12 years, this woman Could not enter the synagogue for 12 years. This woman could not hear the word of God read from the, from the, from the Torah for 12 years. This woman was not allowed to worship with the people of God during the all We’re Jewish culture than the smaller Micro Jewish cultures. For 12 years, she was cut off from her culture and from her people Because of her physical ceremonial unclean cleanliness. This woman had a menstrual period that lasted for 12 years and in her culture, it was very different for women than it is in our culture today. Women were considered property and this woman was considered damaged property. In that culture, the woman’s main purpose of that day was to bring sons and daughters into the family and care for the kids. This woman was not having Children because of this condition. Likely she was unmarried or she was divorced because of this physical condition. This jewish the jewish culture prohibited man from living with a woman being with a woman during this period. Her pain is layered. There’s a physical pain we read about, but there’s also an emotional pain that exists. There’s a relational pain of being cut off from her friends and family. There’s a social pain of being an outcast and there’s just the pain of loss. 12 years of time moving by and all she knows is pain and suffering. 12 years of sitting in this pain day after day 4380 days later, her days got long, her money got short, her friends dried up. Her doctor visits ended awkwardly as she ran out of funds and there’s no end in sight. And then she hears of jesus, she hears stories what jesus done for people up the street, people in the village, people in the town next door, she felt something that she hasn’t felt foreign years. She feels hope again, hope swelling in her heart. As you hear each story about this guy, jesus and she is totally desperate And in verse 44, she approached him from behind, she touched the end of his rope and then instantly her bleeding stop and jesus asked who touched me, See, Jesus knows the difference between an accidental encounter with jesus and a willful reaching out of faith. According to jewish law, her touching anyone at the end of his robe or just brushing next to them would make that person ceremonially unclean the rest of the day. Her being in this crowd was very, very, very bad. It was unacceptable. It’s not like she snuck into the gas station and didn’t wear a mask. She got some looks from someone, This was a big thing and she already was relational e bankrupt with her peers. The horror of her being found and caught in this crowd was a profound social foul. That would have had serious implications on an already socially bankrupt person. Most jewish rabbis avoided touching women at all costs except their wife because of this dynamic and jesus so opposite. He is a man of the people, a friend of those far from God, the untouchables, the outcast, the sinners, Jesus went moved towards and when sickness, disease and death come in contact with jesus, the effects of sin, disease and death is out of this world, jesus presence makes them flee. He’s the master of them all, and overall the wind and the waves obey him, satan and the demons have to obey him. The pain and suffering and death are all under the power and authority of jesus Verse 45, who touched me, Jeez asked when they all denied it. Peter said Master. The crowds are hitting in on you and pressing against you, jesus said someone did touch me. I know that power has got out from me Verse 47 when the crowd saw that she was discovered, she came trembling and fell down before him in the presence of all the people. She declared the reason she had touched him and how she was instantly healed Verse 48, Jesus says daughter, he said to her, your faith has saved you go in peace. So jesus on a mission. He’s moving, he’s on a mission of mercy. He’s on the move to heal jerry’s daughter. And then in the margins of his day, he has someone has an encounter with him. And that margin made all the difference in that woman’s life. I had a friend who was telling me about 40% of paper that you write on the legal margins of paper. There’s that inch margin on the outside. 40% of the paper is the margins. If you cut off all the margins and stack them on top of the paper where you can or is supposed to right The margins would make up 40% of the area of your paper. Your life is lived in the margins. Your life is filled with margins obscure little parts of your life that don’t mean much to you. God has a plan for. And jesus didn’t waste his margins. He was on the move to somewhere else. And along the way someone touched him. He had encounters someone along the way, a non planned, non scripted, non requested encounter for another person. We should be like jesus church, don’t be so busy that you blow off in need of an opportunity to stop to slow down to serve or say something or pray with someone in your life, A marginal quick combo of someone or a prayer or a moment of someone to serve them and care for them is a life changer and many people stories of jesus, it might be a little thing for you, but God can use it in amazing way in these people’s lives contrast this woman’s story of bleeding and how shall she approached jesus incognito in a crowd with that blind man that we’ve read about in the bible who was blind and her juice was coming and he found the busiest street where he knew Jesus would walk by and you stand there and he’d scream at the top of his lungs, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me and the crowd would yell at him and like be quiet, shut up, sit down and he screamed even louder, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. And then everyone gets quiet, Jesus stands in front of him, he says, what do you want? He says, Lord I want to see and jesus heals him and the very first thing that blind man sees is the face of his savior? You’re like, I’m burning it all down, I’m the blind man, I’m not this woman, I’m the blind man. I’m I’m going to get in front of jesus or so, help me God. Or you might be there, that might be where your faith is, but your faith might be where this woman is. It’s brittle and he’s bold, you’re uncertain. And he was certain I don’t care. And jesus definitely does not care if it’s Faith gets his attention. If you have a faith that’s reaching out to God to connect of God, to make peace of God, to encounter God. And you realize you’re desperate need of God. Jesus sees all faith. Faith gets his attention every time you see in the bible, jesus eyes are attuned to see people stepping out in faith and obedience. And faith have mercy on me, Lord, I want to see wherever you are. If it’s a low burning faith, or blazing faith, a flickering fame or your fanatic, Jesus sees all faith, have faith, christian, bold faith, or brittle faith, Jesus sees your faith. Your faith gets jesus attention. I wrote this down, the scholar wrote her faith was uninformed. Superstitious, presumptuous and imperfect. But it was a real faith in christ honored her fledgling faith? How’s your faith then christian? If you’re not a christian? Where is your faith? If you are a christian, what is your faith in what are you trusting will give you relief, comfort, hope, assurance, meaning and satisfaction in your life what is your faith? And how is your faith? Do you have a faith that is that I can see these people, we read about the bible, it was just some internal private faith that’s all warm and cozy and no one cared it, but they just kind of cherished in their heart. They had a faith that you can see, they did things because of their faith in jesus. Is your faith bold and daring? Is it weak and timid? Do you have faith? You have even something? Do you have faith in jesus christ church? What steps of faith do you need to take that? You’ve been delaying because the delayed obedience is disobedience, delayed decisions is a decision. There’s many of you have done connect cards, we love it. God bless you, you feel that connect cards and we’ve tried to reach out, connect and God bless you and you’re just you’re ghosting us now it’s like you have jesus pursuing you and I have a small group, community leader for you and your ghost them, that’s fine. But were you blowing off people that you took a step of faith? One sunday then on monday you lost that step of faith. I mean we talk about bible reading, we have bibles now, laying around the building if you need a bible, there’s a bible beside you, you can take a bible and read it. Tell people in your life? I feel led by God to read the bible, you brush your teeth most days you shower. Most days you put your seatbelt on. Most days, you can be a disciplined man or woman and read your bible and if you have questions or comments or concerns about how to do that, very confident, a lot of people in the church can help you. But we’re bible reading church, we have bibles on the chairs around you read your bible christians prayer, we have a Tuesday morning six a.m. Prayer meeting that’s been rolling since I think february. It’s been really good. You can come and pray with us. There’s a few of us burrows that pray, you can pray with us community group. It seems to be the one thing we try to do in our churches groups. That’s the one thing, I mean like I was not stressed about what was going to happen this morning, I just showed up and it was like, and you showed up and it was a blessing. Thank you daniel faith and company for what you’re doing. It’s this kind of this, this part of the world runs itself as pastors are not stressed about this part of the church. You too and whoever was up here behind this area, we’re focused on community groups, coaching committee groups, the cycling community leaders, managing committee groups, shepherding food groups, that’s the one thing we’re giving ourselves to as the church is having healthy community groups jump in? Is that a step of faith. God’s calling you to be doing christian membership. Many of you have sat through the membership class. A delayed decision is a decision. Look at this quote from Adam Clark. It says faith alone attracts and receives the energetic influences of God at all times. Be a Christian who has faith and acts on your faith. Verse 49 while he was still speaking to the woman and those around, someone came from the synagogue leaders house and said, your daughter is dead. Don’t bother the teacher any more. Your daughter is dead. This is some of the most unsettling words I’ve heard as in pastoral ministry was your son is dead. The couple I was with all night we sat around his body, stood around his body praying and holding his hands in his legs and all night there is hope in their heart that that boy would make a recovery eventually. And then the specialist came in that morning. He said no, this young man is dead, he’s brain dead. Your son is dead. And I watch too. Father a father and a mother completely unravel in front of me. And for weeks we walked through that painful suffering with them from dark day after dark night for several weeks they lived in our house, walked through the funeral, the family, the heartache. It was a gut wrenching their unnerving, disturbing season of life for them? Your son is dead. Your daughter is dead. What about pain? Do we have pain in this world? I have been in my life. You have been in your life. We have serious, heavy weighting suffering pain in our life. None of you are isolated from it. Pain is still alive and well in this world, we live in your life there is pain. Real pain. Pain is not a part of God’s original design for humans were supposed to be in this garden with perfect relationships with each other. Perfect relationships of God. Perfect relationships with nature genesis one the describes paradise and we lost it because of sin in our lives. Panes purposes to point us to God, pain is supposed to be a trigger in your heart to make you focus on your savior. Pain is supposed to get your attention and focus your attention on the future day where there’s neither tears nor suffering no sorrow and you’re in God in heaven and perfect relationships with perfect bodies and it’s heaven. We’re supposed to focus on our perfect relationships in our future. But pain instead is a trigger in our culture where people run to their vices to numb the pain, to dull the pain, to distract them from the pain, To get away from the pain. And ultimately, instead of running to jesus, we’re running to advice. Instead of looking to jesus, save us and help us and lead us and teach us in her pain. We look to entertainment to teach us instruct us and solve our soul. And I mean I cringe to think of movies and video games and cringe to think of how many pastors didn’t answer the call, how many church planners were not planted? How many missionaries did not go anywhere because of our entertainment industry in America entertaining ourselves to death. You’ve heard that phrase probably before. If you’ve been around Christianity, that is a huge vice, huge vice in our lives as entertainment. The second one in America, especially as lust, both genders hide from pain and porn, lust is a way to escape and run from pain in your life alcohol and this is a taboo thing. Pastors don’t say she realized that alcohol, domestic cases spike every time the huskers lose. I mean, seriously, those women cringing when field goals are missed in our city. I mean, domestic abuse through alcohol and violence is alcohol is masking pain. They’re running from pain, avoiding pain in their life and their solution is alcohol. Whatever advice you pick and we can keep going, there’s a perceived idea that this pleasure will alleviate my pain, distract me, entertain me or numb me to the reality of what I’m in and the reality is none of the things in this world, none of the vices last jesus came to save us from the ultimate pain the pain of sin. You’re like what mike, the pain of sin, we have pain here and now, which is temporary. That does have an ending date, but pain then and there is internal and it will never ever end. The ultimate pain we will experience if we die apart from jesus christ is pain of death in hell, Where after 10,000 years, you’ve not 1″ closer to the finish line. After 20,000 years, you’re not 1″ closer to the finish line. Pain points to us to God and makes us aware of our need of God. Pain makes us dependent upon God. Pain makes us aware that we need to be delivered from our fallen condition are broken, bodies are broken condition. Pain is supposed to be our teacher who teaches us about ourselves and others in God, paint is supposed to teach us a lesson of how we live here and now and now here and now is not enough for us. We’re meant for something greater. Pain is supposed to show us that we are designed for more than this. Life has to offer. Everyone experiences various amounts of pain in life, but all of us experience death, Everyone dies many experienced the ultimate pain. Death forever in hell. Pain should make you think of salvation. Pain should make you think of your savior. Salvation is found in no one else, and death should make you desperate for jesus Verse 50 when Jesus heard it, he answered him. The father of the daughter. Don’t be afraid only believe and she will be saved. I can see jesus watching him start to unravel in front of everyone and jesus like don’t be afraid, only believe she will be saved. Death Apart from God is the most frightening thing in the universe. Fear is a big thing through Chapter eight. Fear of water, fear of storms. The disciples saw that with the water they’re they’re afraid. And you go to the second story about fear of the people over the demonic possessed man and then also fear of jesus who drove the demonic possession, man’s demons out of him. Those people were afraid and we go to hear the third thing, Fear of pain and suffering and a lost child. The fear of Chapter eight looks pointing how juices king over fear and this human existence is amazing Verse 51 after he came to the house of the father as a dying daughter, he he let no one enter with him except peter john James and the child’s father and mother, jesus always bringing along and teaching those when he’s not teaching this is called discipleship. You ever heard the phrase share the gospel at all times and sometimes use words Jonathan has heard it, Jordan has heard it, Susan heard it first Service share the gospel at all times. Sometimes use words, well that’s garbage, that’s not biblical, We’re supposed to proclaim the Gospel, supposed to preach the Gospel every time you read about the Gospel in the bible, it’s because there’s people are heralding the gospel and communicating the gospel with what God has given them, that we’re supposed to speak the gospel and tell people about the good news of jesus christ. So I’m gonna try to be cute and try to salvage something you all know um make disciples at all times and sometimes use words. I mean I think one of the, when I first became a pastor in Omaha, there’s a pastor up there in Omaha who taught me many things, but what really stuck with me was what he, what he did not always what he said, what he did. I remember what I remember some of what he said, but I really remember how he lived in private and in public jesus tutoring and disciple in his disciples of how to interact with grieving parents, how to interact with sickness, disease and death because they would have a career during the book of acts of doing the same work as him. If you if you’re short on time and you can’t be in two places at one time, easy make a disciple, you double your man hours, your woman hours and you could be in two places at one time juices, making disciples, Verse 52, everyone was crying and mourning for her, but he said stop crying because she’s not dead but asleep. This verse 53, they laughed at him because they knew she was dead, who laughed at jesus. Not a good thing. Who laughed at Jesus. There’s these people called professional Mourners who are hired and if you’re poor, you have to have at least 2-3. Professional Mourners there when your when your child dies or when someone in your household dies and they would play the flute, they’d sing sad songs. They leave the funeral progression helped the family grieve. They have the family emotionally process what happens. And if Darius is rich, he probably has way more than two or 3 professional Mourners at his child’s house And the reverse 54. So we took her by the hand and called out child, get up To be Takumi, which means little lamb rise. He spoke very soft and tender. This little 12 year old girl Verse 55. Her spirit returned and she got up at once and then she gave orders that then he gave orders that should be given something to eat. Her parents were astound and he instructed them to tell no one what had happened. Both people have to encounter with the great physician. Both people had an intimate personal connection, a personal connection of jesus christ. Both were desperate and both encountered jesus And the healer of healers heal this little girl and the healer of healers healed that woman who suffered for 12 years desperate times, call for desperate measures. And today we looked at two very different people with the same desperate need of a savior. The main message of this passage is everyone desperately needs to be saved by jesus. Everyone desperately needs to be saved by jesus. But isn’t it true if you follow luke’s logic to these different themes, God uses creation to speak to us that something all powerful, all knowing omni present made an all amazing, more powerful than us, more knowledgeable than us. Every multi universe that has no end was created by a big like that has no end. The creation speaks to you as a person, you see a beautiful sunrise or sunset, you see the ocean, you see the mountains, you see a beautiful picture of nature and there’s something in your heart that says, wow, that is amazing and you’re prone to like wanting to like that is amazing. And some people give their life to worshipping nature, but really we should worship the God who made what we’re looking at, not worship nature, they’re like worship nature, We have corn fields around us. I grew up in Denver where people worship nature if they would go up every weekend and worship the God of the mountains and they walk around the mountain god and look at rocks, pick up rocks and just roam the mountains for their sunday services of their soul. Like that sounds amazing. Yeah, it’s five, you know, but other people love the mountains, I’m a beach man. But anyways, we worship nature in general, but we should worship the God that made nature and nature speaks to you, creation speaks to your heart. It makes you think of wonder and beauty, the God who made that is more wonderful and beautiful than everything you can think of. God uses the supernatural, the wonder, the vastness of the unknown, the strange things. God uses the weird things in life to point you to God should point you to your vastness, your smallness, your non intellect, you have. There’s some supernatural, amazing hard to explain UFOs in the world that are hard to wrap your mind around. There’s more to this life than you think more than your life and just Lincoln Nebraska and some corn fields around you. There’s a big wild wooly universe out there with strange, amazing, powerful things. And it’s wrong to overlook focused on them and it’s wrong to neglect them. God is reigning overall and God uses the supernatural to communicate. But God communicates through pain and suffering. This is the third theme of this Chapter eight. And we all experience pain and suffering. And the thing is you seem to listen and your pain, that’s still small, tender voice you listen to and God speaks to you and you listen during your painful moment in your life, you’re paying attention when you read your bible, when you’re hurting, you’re paying attention at church when you’re hurting you’re paying attention at community and people are talking when you’re in paying you’re paying attention, don’t waste your paying christian. Don’t waste it. If you’re a mature believer, you pay attention to God and seasons of pain and when you’re not in pain, but if you’re immature, you seem to perk up when you’re in pain and then when you’re not in pain, you get dull tiered effect of your life. God is designed to teach you don’t waste your pain, painful circumstances teach you more than pleasure. Pleasures of poor teacher of men. Pain is an effective teacher of men. I’ve been on a one honeymoon with my wife, I don’t remember much about it, it was great, but dark nights of my soul have taught me far more than that honeymoon we went on. So this chapter eight concludes year two of jesus public ministry. Next week, we’re looking at chapter nine, the beginning of his, year three of his ministry where just sends out his disciples, but people on that day are in desperate need of jesus, People in our day are in desperate need of jesus, you are in desperate need of jesus. What is going to happen to you when you die? All of us are going to die, the only religion founder on the world that does not have a place where he was buried is jesus. You can go see the Islamic burial of the founder, you can see the hindu buddhist, you can go around that every major world religion and see where the founder is dead except Christianity, where he claimed to be God and he rose from the dead. We proved this with a three week series on our easter series. I think it was a year or two ago. We went through all of the, all the logical ways of understanding how jesus christ rose from the dead. I mean if you can write a book to prove, Jesus Christ did not right from the dead either way, you’ll become, do something that no one is accomplished in the last 2000 years and be you’ll be incredibly wealthy. If you can debunk Christianity’s main claim to fame is that their founder rose from the dead. You’ll make millions. Good luck. Men and women have been trying to do it first centuries if you like mike, this is interesting. Tell me more. It’s on our website or you can go to the resource library and grab one of those books that we have their free for you. Jesus wants the delivery from death, jesus delivery from the ultimate pain. The pain of hell, where it never stops. The only way to be delivered from death is to be delivered from sin and only jesus can save your soul. Only just can restore your life and only just can give you hope in your hour of desperate need and we all all all desperately need jesus. We all all all don’t realize it, but you desperately need jesus christ in your life and pain or no pain if you’re young or old you need jesus christ. Let’s pray God, thank you for Luke eight. Thank you for what you’re doing in the lives of these men and women. I prayed we would not just be hearers of the word but would be doers of the word who listened to obey Who listened to learn more, who who step out in faith like we read about in the bible. Just give us wisdom for how to live in this day and age and make us all desperate for you just a week.