Psalm 33

Psalm 33

Hey, good morning, Good morning church. It’s good to be here with you. Um, I got through my whole message for service and I didn’t tell anybody who I was or introduced myself at all. So Ryan levy came up to me afterwards. They’re like, hey man, you really blew it. No, it’s like you didn’t tell anybody who we are. So, um, my name is Zane, if you have not met me, Hello, I’d love to, to meet you. Um, I work with the college ministry here. Um, so it’s a blast. I, I tell people, I get all the perks of being a college student without any of the homework or in the school, I just hang around and so, um, yeah, it’s fun and it’s good to be here with you. I’m thankful for the pastors and the elders for inviting me to, to teach on songs. I think psalms has been just such an encouraging um, series that we’ve been going through, I don’t, I don’t know about, uh, for you guys, but it’s just been incredible. Um, I feel like psalms is such an intimate, an intimate part of scripture. Um, and it, and it feels like, you know, they said uh, week after week that most of them have been pinned by King David and that’s true for this one. We’re gonna be in psalms 33 if you want to sort of get their psalms 33. Um, but it feels like I almost like stumbled upon, you know, David’s journal or something and I’m like reading through these intimate moments that he’s having with God, you know, these prayers, sort of day in and day out times where he’s, you know, he’s really sorrowful, he’s going through some really difficult things. He’s crying out to God times where he’s rejoicing and happy and things are going well and he’s going with God, but it’s like, almost like this journal, right? And I know that that, um not every song was written that way. You know, some of them are actually songs that people sang and they were corporate things, but it feels like that when I’m reading it, I’m like, wow, this guy’s relationship with God is just, um, this is something that I want, you know, I want to have this sort of intimacy in the good and the bad. I can go to God, and and that’s a priority for me. And I think for most of us, especially if you’re a believer in the room, I think we would admit that that’s a big priority in in our lives, right? And in your life that you want to have a connection or relationship with God, it’s a it’s a priority that you have. And, and every sort of week you set out like, okay, I’m, you know, I’m gonna do this thing, and that’s why I think a lot of you, that’s why you’re here this morning, right? And that’s why you maybe join a community group, you’re involved, or um, you’re trying to meet with other people and read scriptures together, because you’re like, this is a huge priority in my life. Um but I think at least for me sometimes when, you know, I leave church, or, you know, monday rolls around, or Tuesday rolls around, that biggest priority in my life, it starts to kind of slip through the cracks, I don’t know if that’s true for you, um but it’s like, monday rolls around and, and things just start flying at me, you know, stresses of life or things, and I’m handling all this stuff and it’s a long day and I get to the end of the day and it’s like, I gotta have some me time, you know, I got to wind down a little bit de stress, and, and then I go to bed and then I wake up the next day and it’s like the same thing happened and then boom, it’s sunday and I’m here, and I’m like, oh, what, what just happened the whole week went by and, and I haven’t done anything with my relationship with God, I think that’s that’s been true for me, I’ll be honest, I don’t know if that’s true for you, Maybe you guys are super in the world every day and that’s awesome, I want to learn from you. Um but I think that’s true, we have this priority, but it sort of slips through the cracks. Um a lot of people, they sort of, they call this the tyranny of the urgent, it’s like these things, they’re the most present in your life at that moment you feel like you have to handle and you’re enslaved to that and you can’t like rem move yourself and spend time with the things that are of the most priority to you. This could be good things like your family, your job, school or this could be, you know, a little bit uglier things like a behavior of sin that you just, you’re just repeating over and over again. Um, and it’s hard. It is hard. I know it, I know it is and we come every morning with this question of like, I want to have a heart for God, like, David, that’s my desire weekend and week out. It kind of slips through. And so this morning, if you’re asking that question, I would tell you that is an awesome question. That’s an awesome place to be. And, and my intention is, we’re gonna dig through the word together. We’re gonna let the bible kind of tell us, how do we have a heart of worship for God? Um, that’s continual. It’s not just a moment when we’re singing songs or when we’re listening to some, some guy teach, but it’s a continual thing, monday Tuesday, Wednesday, thursday friday for a week for a month, for a year, for a lifetime that we have this heart that’s worshiping God, how do we do that. Where do we start? Um, so I’m gonna pray because that’s, that’s a good start. I’m gonna pray ask God to inform us and then we’re gonna dig in. So would you pray with me? Heavenly father? I’m just so thankful for uh this morning where we can come, we can gather, we can worship you. Gotta ask that. You would just be with us as we read your word, would you? Um just give us mercy, give us grace. Um God would your love just abound in our hearts and in our minds this morning. God would we grow in our understanding of how important it is to worship you and and where that worship can come from God. Um we just love you and we ask that you would be here with us in your name. I pray. Amen. Amen. So psalms 33 is, is where we’re at. If you, if you haven’t gotten there, it will give you a little bit more time to flip there. We’re gonna have it. There’s some bibles laying around, we’re gonna have it on the screen as well. This is what, this is how the song sort of begins. It says shout for joy in the Lord O you righteous praise befits the upright. Give thanks to the Lord with the Lyre, make melody to him with the harp of 10 strings. Sing to him a new song, play skillfully on the strings with loud shouts for the word of the Lord is upright and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice. The earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord and I love that. Um I will request, I didn’t say this first service. I will request uh that we get the guitar with 10 strings on it next time you come on six strings, man. No, I’m just kidding. Um uh so the question that we kind of start with right is like how what even is this worship that you’re talking about? Okay, worshipful heart for God. I get it, I’m with you. Cool. But what you know, like what are we actually getting at? How do I begin to even think about having a worshipful heart day in day out for a lifetime. Um, and I think the the problem is because we begin with verse one and we have all these presuppositions about what verse one means and there’s a danger in it. And let me, let me read it again and let’s unpack it says shout for joy in the Lord. Uh your translation might say rejoice in the Lord. And when we read that word today, when you and I read that word, Joy, what do, what do we think of, what do you go to? We go to Like it’s obviously an emotional word and it’s obviously positive, right? Joy is a word of like if if it was a physical appearance of the word, Joy would have a smile on its face every morning. You know Joy would have like a sort of bounce in their step like every day, you know, Joy would be like this morning for sunday morning because they’re rejoicing in the Lord, they woke up early, they made eggs and bacon for their family, they were like singing songs on the radio, like jesus, you know, like they joy was like upbeat and happy and like joy was just, man, joy is amazing, right? That’s what we think of, and I know that’s a little bit comical, but when you think of the word joy, you think I got to have that sort of, you know, feeling, and then when you come sunday morning and you don’t have that sort of feeling? And you’re like, okay, I’m not really feeling it, or when monday morning, Tuesday morning, you’re trying to get into the word of God, you’re like, I’m just not, I don’t know, it was a gunky sort of day, you know, like it was a hard day, I’m just not, I’m just not happy then when we read verses like that, you think something’s wrong with me? You know, I don’t know, I do sometimes, like is something wrong with my faith, do I not have this relationship with God, is am I not like, what’s wrong? How do I, how do I get this thing better, How do I, you know, and that’s sort of the danger, we start off with thinking about our emotions and we think about ourselves and we we put all this pressure on us. And a lot of times other people put on all this pressure on us, we think something’s wrong. And here’s what I would if we’re talking about giving a definition of like a lasting worshipful heart for God, it has to have these components and these components are are super important. We worship to God, we worship of God, we worship in God. You might think lausanne, you just said the same thing three times. I didn’t I didn’t say the same thing three times and God doesn’t, it’s it’s to God, right? We’re worshiping to him, not anything else, not a better life, not not a better feeling. It’s to God, we’re worshiping of God, of his character, of his faithfulness, of his goodness, of who he is. And then we’re worshiping in God in the hope that God is the one strengthening you, not yourself in all of your weakness, you’re worshiping God and all of it. And if you notice the major thing that’s outside of that itself itself is excluded from the worship of God. And that’s important because what happens when when we base I’m gonna worship God on my feelings or I’m just gonna try harder and be a better christian, we inject self into the worship of God and it severs it, it severs it. So the worship of God cannot contain self. And I know that’s a hard thing. It’s sort of dangerous to say that today might be going, oh, here’s what I’m not saying. When I say that, I am not saying that you’re not important. I am not saying that you are not important. I am not saying that your circumstances that you’re going through that you came in with this morning are not reel and very difficult because I know some people in the room that that they are, I don’t think God is saying that that would actually be contradictory to scripture if I said that, because God says that you actually have the image of him. He says that you’re so valuable that you that you’re you’re amazing. He died for you. He loves you. I believe that with all my heart that you have value and and I believe that God really empathizes and cares about your circumstances, he really does. He loves you so much. I believe that when it comes to a heart posture of worshiping God and if you want that to be a lasting thing in your life, we have got to find a way to remove yourself from. We’ve got to find a way not to ignore the very real things that are happening, but to get out of your own way believer because 99% of the time, 100% of the obstacle between you and God is yourself, 99% of the time, 100% of the obstacle is you, it’s me and if we want to really authentically worship jesus and we’ve got to get out of the way. We’ve got to get self out of there. It’s important. Why is that? We’ll look back at verses four and 5, it says for the worship of the Lord is upright and all his work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice. The earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord. One thing that’s apparent is there’s nothing about you and me that’s in any of that, not a single thing. The other thing is that it’s just true. We almost have to have this perspective, not that we don’t want to like grow our intellectual capacity in our mind, but we got to have this this conviction that, you know, God says things and they are right there, just good, they’re true. They’re loving. It’s it’s just it and I worship him for that. I worship and say, yes, God, yes, yes, yes. You know, I am feeling down today, but I worship you, I am going through hard things, but I worship you because what you say is good and you are a loving God. So we worship is to God, but to add sort of that I think what scripture is trying to tell us is that the worshipful heart is actually obedience to God. It’s actually an act of obedience to him. It’s not based on our feelings, it’s based on our sort of conviction to obey, and to follow him. Um let’s look at real life experience, right? Um if you want to flip to job, we’re gonna look at a guy whose name was Job and he has life experience in this area because I think it’s important, you know, we can talk about all these things, but let’s look at real examples of real people who’ve gone through real circumstances. How did they worship God? Why did they worship God? Um So, job we’re hopping up on the screen, we’re gonna be in Chapter one in 13. Um Job was a guy who, I guess to put it lightly was extremely wealthy, extremely wealthy, had a lot of stuff and man, he was booming and he had an awesome relationship with God, who that is like, that’s the goal, right? I mean, we got everything and we’ve got this relationship with God, you know, it’s awesome. Cruising along life is gonna be great. Um so in Job 13, let’s see what this is the first chapter first chapter. So, if you’re, you know, if this is like, wow, this is interesting, go ahead and read the whole rest of the book because there’s even more interesting stuff, but Job verse 13, this is what it says, it says now there was a day when his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house. This is, You know, jobs, kids, they’re partying it up hanging out 14, and there came a messenger to job and said the Oxen were plowing and the donkeys feeding beside them and the say Bian’s fell upon them and took them and struck down the servants with the edge of the sword. And I alone have escaped to tell you so all his, you know, all his oxygen and oxen and donkey have now been killed. Is what the servant just told him 16 while he was yet speaking. While the other servant was speaking. While he was yet speaking, there came another and said, the fire of God fell from heaven, burned up the sheep and the servants and consumed them. And I alone have escaped to tell you 17. While he was yet speaking, there came another and said, the Chaldeans formed three groups made a raid on the camels, took them, struck them down the servants with the edge of the sword. And I alone have escaped to tell you. And while he was yet speaking, there came another. I mean, this is one after another. In the same day, while he was yet speaking, there came another and said. Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house right there, partying hanging out and behold a great wind came across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house. It fell upon the young people and they are dead. And I alone have escaped to tell you. So in a span of like moments, you know, how long does it take the servant to run in and tell him these things and the next one right after him in a moment, this guy loses his entire business, he loses his house in his home and he loses his family like that. What would you do? I’ll be really honest with you and up front this morning, I’m gonna have a really hard time with that. I’m gonna have a really hard time with that and I’m gonna need my church to like have my back because I’m not responding to that. Well, I don’t know how you’re responding to that, but I’m not currently in my walk with jesus. I’m growing, I’m growing and I’m hoping that by the time I’m, you know, one of you more wise people in the rooms age, I’m hoping I’m there. You know, I’m hoping I’m there. Um but I’m not there yet, I’ll be honest. I’m not responding to that very well. But let’s see how Job responds verse 20 he says. Then Job arose and tore his robe, shaved his head, fell on the ground and did what he worshiped. He fell on the ground and worshiped and he said naked, I came from my mother’s womb and naked shall I return the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord, He says blessed be the name of the Lord. And then just so just so you understand what he was saying in that, in that prayer and in that worship, it says 22 and all this job did not sin or charge God with wrong. Are you responding like that? I don’t know. Do you think do you think job like you think he was making pancakes and bacon? You think he was happy? You think he was smiling? You think you think he wanted to read psalm 33 and say shout for joy in the Lord, rejoice, be happy. That’s why I’m gonna come worship because I’m feeling it today. No way. No way for job worship was this act of obedience. It was like, I have nothing else to do. I don’t know where else to turn. I don’t know what else to go to. But I know I’ve got a God who is so big. I know I have a God who is so loving and so great and so amazing. I just gotta fall on my face and worship him. That’s jobs posture, right? That’s a heart of worship. If you want to have a heart of worship through the good and through the bad, we gotta get there. We got to move to this idea of it’s an obedient form of worship, not in your own strength, remember it’s not out of your own, it’s not like a grit your teeth. I’m gonna do this thing. It’s not in your own strength, in your weakness. It’s in jobs weakness that he worshiped God. It’s important back to back to psalms. Psalms 33. We’re picking up in verse six that you know, we we understand worshiping God if we want to do this and have a heart for this for a lasting heart. We worship to God. We worship with obedience to God. Picking back up in verse six, it says by the word of the Lord, the heavens were made and by the breath of his mouth, all their hosts. I’m just gonna pause for a second. I’m not gonna camp here long. But I think it’s really, really interesting that the psalm starts with this idea of what we can do with our voice. What we can do with our breath. We can merely shout a praise to God. But what God can do with his breath is create the entire world. God can form heavens and earth and and everything in it. That’s what he can do with his voice. Um I just think that’s so cool. seven. It says he gathers the waters of the sea as a heap. He puts the deeps in storehouses, let all the earth fear. The Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him for he spoke and it came to be he commanded and it stood firm. The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. He frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever. The plans of his heart to all generations, blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage. The Lord looks down from heaven. He sees all the Children of man from where he sits and thrown. He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth. He who fashions the hearts of of them all and observes all their deeds. The king is not saved by his great army. No, a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. A war horse is a false hope for salvation and by its great might, it cannot rescue you. Might be like, what is all that? What is all that sand? I think it’s saying that that worship is is this act, It’s this obedience to God. But we also have to worship with a fear of God. And I’ll be like, whoa, what does that mean? And I’ll be honest when I was when I was preparing this message, you know, I’m searching through and I’m looking up other verses where it talks about worshiping the bible and I’m getting all this and and guys like countless times when the angels are coming and they’re singing and hymns are being sung and and later we’re gonna look at a passage, it’s like many times in scripture, this idea of worshiping God is so closely linked to this idea of fearing him. I just can’t get I couldn’t get away with it. I’ll be honest, I was like trying to come up with like some other words, you know? And then I was like, okay, stop. I was praying God was convicting me like, hey, you preach my word, you know what I mean? And I was like, okay, here we go, Fear of God. You know, Fear of God. How does that relate to worship? Here’s, I’m gonna start with what I’m not saying again what I’m not saying and let’s help us inform what God is trying to say. Here’s what I think God is not trying to say. It’s, it’s a very specific fear and it’s of God and nothing else. It’s not the fear of man and it’s not the fear of circumstances. I don’t even think job when he was worshiping God. I don’t think he was afraid of his circumstances. Um, in that moment when he was worshiping God, I don’t think he was thinking about, I mean he was of course thinking about the things that were happening, but he wasn’t afraid of it in that moment. In that moment he was saying blessed be the name of the Lord. So it’s not a fear of your circumstances, it’s not a fear of man. That’s important. It’s the fear of God of God. We have to, we have to arrive there the next thing. It’s not, it’s not a fear like what you and I most commonly probably experience and here’s what I mean by that when I experienced fear, it’s mostly because I don’t know what’s gonna happen, I don’t know if that’s similar to you, but whether it’s with people or with something in my life or circumstances, it’s normally I’m around something and it’s almost like it’s just sort of unhinged, I don’t know if you’ve ever been at like a family reunion or something or you know, you’re sitting, you’re sitting around, honestly, my family’s great, so I’m serious, I’m serious, they are, but I don’t know, you’re you’re sort of sitting around and and there’s a sort of tension and you’re like, the tension is there, because you don’t really know what somebody’s gonna say or do you know, and you’re sort of afraid like, oh, boy, what’s about to happen, you know, Uncle Jimmy or whatever, like what’s he gonna do, and you’re kind of like afraid, right, is that not true? Or sometimes it’s a real serious situation where where you don’t know how somebody’s gonna respond to a moment and it can be a really, really deeply serious situation and you’re afraid that person’s unhinged or it can be a circumstance in the future and you’re like, I’m trying to look at what’s about to happen in my life and I have no idea, so I’m so scared, I’m so afraid, that is not the fear of God, okay, that’s not the fear of God, why, because we know who God is, we know who he is, if you don’t know, you can you can know who God is and you can know his character, you know what he’s done and you know what he’s doing. So it’s not this fear of the unknown, it’s just not now now now, you know, if, if you don’t know God, it’s the fear of the unknown, but if you’re sitting here and you’re believer and you know God, it’s not a fear of God in relation to, like, I fear maybe what my my my parent would do if I’m in trouble, it’s not that sort of fear. Um it’s also not just respect, I want to get that, that if you grew up in church, I totally understand why people say it and I think it’s, you know, I think it has its place when we teach Children, but if you grew up in church, likely you were sort of told that the fear of God was like respecting him and I don’t think that is quite true. The reason I say that is because jesus was preaching and teaching and he, and he said, hey, don’t fear somebody or some something that can kill your body, fear the God, who can cast your soul eternally into hell. I don’t think you would come up behind jesus in that moment and be like, hey, yeah, he means respect God, you just wouldn’t, you know, there’s something more there, right? There’s something deeper, there’s this deeper sense of, of a fear of God. So like, okay, give me give me the answer. I just like a this is a conversation with, you know, but let’s look at revelations again because I don’t really know the answer. I’ll be honest to you. I don’t know the answer, but the bible does. And so we got to read this thing. The scripture does. So revelations. I’m in chapter 15. I’m starting at verse three. It will be up here as well. Revelations 15 verse three, it says, you know, they’re kind of gathered around this is people, this in the bible there, there in the heavens, there in heaven and they’ve gathered around. Um and it says in verse three, and they sing the song of moses, the servant of God and the song of the lamb saying great and amazing, are your deeds O Lord God, the Almighty just and true are your ways. O king of the nations who will not fear O Lord and glorify your name. For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship you and worship you for your righteous acts have been revealed, Who will not fear O Lord and glorify your name for you alone are holy. If I were to start this conversation with you about, what does it mean to have the fear of God and worship I would submit to you that it has to be this sort of deep deep deep understanding of God’s glory and his holiness of his purity of his love, of his goodness, of his mercy, of his kindness, It’s a deep understanding of everything that God is, and because of his mercy, you and I do not have to face his wrath. And with that sort of conviction, we we come to the father and we worship, I could only think of like sort of one analogy, and I’ll be honest, I don’t think it does enough, I don’t think it’s that great. Um but we’re gonna go for it. I’m sort of, I did this first service. I’m not gonna do as much. These lights up here are really bright. And when you, if you’ve never been up here, when you look like directly in them, like nothing else, you can’t see anything else, It starts to kind of hurt. And you’re like, oh my gosh, you turn out the lights, you know? Um and I don’t know about you, but if you’ve ever been in this sort of like a really dark room and like, I don’t know if you had a sibling or something, they played a prank on you and they’re like, shine a bright flashlight and they try to get up close to your eyes and you’re like, oh my gosh, stuff like that kind of hurts. You know, to me, what I can try to get us to think about is that God is so bright, he’s so holy, he’s so good, he’s so loving, he’s so amazing and we are in such darkness, right? Are we not? Our world is so sinful. You and I are sinful. And when those two things collide, I mean, how can there not be this sort of sense of, wow, I don’t even know if I don’t even know if I deserve to be here with you God and you should almost tremble in the sense of his goodness. I don’t know if that means. I mean, we gotta get there if that’s what the scriptures are saying, and we’ve got to get this sense of the fear. I think that’s a huge thing that has been lost in our our generation, in our culture, in the american church. I mean we we love God as a buddy and a friend, but man, when he, when it comes to fearing him and he, you know, there’s some wrath mixed in and then all of a sudden it’s like, I don’t know, we gotta get to this place where we really have a reverence and an awe and a fear of who God is. And the fact that we can even come close to him that we can talk to him that we can sing about him is something that we don’t deserve. Back to the song 33. So we, you know, we’re trying to worship God, we’re trying to have this lasting worship for heart for God, day in day out, month after month, year after year In God’s strength that worship would be an act of obedience, not just our feelings, it would fear God, not our circumstances and not the people around us. Now, we’re picking up in psalms 33 and verse 18 says, behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him and those who hope in his steadfast love that we may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine, our soul waits for the Lord. He is our help and our shield for our heart is glad in him because we trust in his holy name, Let your steadfast love o Lord be upon us. Even as we hope in you. We have to worship with obedience to God, with the fear of God. And we have to worship with a hope in God. If we don’t have a hope that God can change lives, that he can do miracles, then we’re missing a key character of who God is and a key part of his mission. So, we have to worship with the hope in him. Hope that that that he will, he will do these things, conviction that he will Let’s turn to acts. Chapter 16 Another example of people who are worshiping in scripture, why are they doing it? How are they doing it? And what circumstances are they doing it? And how should that inform how we worship acts. Chapter 16, we’re gonna start in verse 20 And this is a passage about Paul and Silas, their ministers, they were church planners, their leaders in the church and what they’re doing is illegal at the time. And so um Rome uh is angry to say the least and this is this is what happens to them, it says in verse 20 and when they had brought them to the Magistrates, they said these men are Jews and they are disrupting our city. They advocate customs that are not lawful for us as Romans to accept or practice. And then it says the crowd joined in attacking them, just start being attacked and mauled by this mob and the Magistrates tore their garments off them and gave orders to beat them with rods. And when they had inflicted many blows upon them they threw them into prison, ordering the jailer to keep them safely. Having received this order, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks tough. But what do they do? How do they respond 25, it says about midnight, this is the same day, they were just beaten by a mob, their clothes were torn off, they were thrown into prison, they were put into stocks. And that night, midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God they were praying and singing hymns to God and the prisoners were listening to them and suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone bounds were unfastened when the jailer woke and saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself. Supposing that the prisoners had escaped. But paul cried out with a loud voice, He didn’t even run, he didn’t even run away, he cried out with a loud voice. Do not harm yourself, for we are all here and the jailer called for lights. He rushed in and trembling with fear. He fell down before paul and Silas. Then he brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe in the Lord, jesus and you will be saved, you and your household and they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. And he took them the same hour, immediately washed their wounds and he was baptized at once. He and all his family. Then he brought them up to his house, he set food before them and he did what he rejoiced along with his entire household that he had believed in God. This is the power of worship, a worshipful heart. I don’t think paul and Silas were scared of their circumstances. Otherwise they would have split immediately. No, they were obedient to God because they knew he was bigger. They had a fear of God because they knew he was bigger and then they had a hope in him and not hope had freedom from them, but not only them, it was this jailer, this prisoner who who knows what he had gone through. I mean, you know, days before, I mean this guy must have had so much going on in his life, he was probably struggling with some deep amounts of depression, anxiety and this moment hits the split moment, it tips it all off and he’s gonna take his life and God saves him, God saves his whole life. And the morning he’s about to take his knight, you know, an hour or two later he’s worshiping God, he’s rejoicing, come on, that is amazing. That is the worship of God. This hope that we have in him to not only change our lives but to change this whole world to change everybody else’s life that I have this hope that I know about jesus but my friend can to my family can too kinds that is that is what you know I want our church to be about. That’s what I want our college group to be about that we would see that it just starts with with my worship of God, my worship, my authentic worship all about God, not about self and through that the whole world changes. It’s so beautiful. Last one. I I know I may be going a little long but last one we have to look at jesus right, I mean come on we gotta look at jesus, did you know what Jesus sang? Do you know Jesus was singing songs in the bible, Let’s look at Matthew 26 should be a familiar passage, but maybe the verse after is not as familiar. Matthew 26 starting in verse 26. This is Jesus and his disciples, they’re at what’s commonly called the last supper which you might be familiar of, we’re about to to teach about that and take that together. It’s this moment where Jesus is departing from his disciples, he’s telling them that he’s about to die for the sins of the world. This is beautiful And so this is what they do. It says 26 now as they were eating Jesus took bread and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples and said take eat this is my body. He took a cup when he had given thanks, he gave it to them saying drink of it all of you for this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of since I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my father’s kingdom. And then what’s the verse right after that verse 30 it says and when they had sung a hymn they went out to the mount of olives man to be fly on the wall in that room Church, the savior of the world savior of the world and his 12 disciples who have left their home there, they know they’re doing something illegal there trembling because God just told him he’s gonna leave them and they’re like, what do we do? Oh my gosh, this is the most stressful circumstance I’ve ever been through. They eat a meal together and then they do what they start singing, they just say, I don’t know what else to do, but I’m going to worship God. That’s the sort of heart that jesus even had, he’s perfect. But he knew worship was was still about the father, worship was about obeying the father is about having a fear of God of God’s wrath. Right after this, jesus goes to the garden of Gethsemane, he, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard this story, but he takes some disciples with him and and he says, hey pray for me. He goes alone further into the garden, he falls on his knees and he starts weeping, jesus starts weeping and he says father, please be with me, please, please please, if this cup could pass from me, have it happen, but not my will be done, but your will be done, jesus christ our savior of the world weeping on behalf of the wrath of God, scared, not sinning, but rightfully scared of the father but worshiping him still and saying not my will, but your will God. I worship you, we have to worship with obedience with the fear of God and with hope in God and, and as we come to a close and we end. I just ask that today, that this week, that, that you and I would rely on God’s strength and in all of our weakness. Would we worship, would you find a time tomorrow the next day and not just grit your teeth and say, I gotta do this because I want to be better and I want to feel better. It’s not that would you just worship God? You just get back and return to God. If you haven’t, If you don’t know what to read or where to go, just open up the psalms. We’ve been in songs, read someone tomorrow sometime get a list maybe of God’s attributes and just start saying them, say them out loud, seeing if you want to, you know, I know the beginning. He said play skillfully and all that, but sing, hey, sing to God and let’s worship him. Let’s worship him individually. And then when we come together, let’s worship God together in hope that he will change our lives and change Lincoln and then change the world. Let’s pray heavenly father. I’m just so thankful for you God. I’m thankful for even the chance to worship you. Even the knowledge of who you are on the worship for God. I just, I love you and I and I ask what David asked that your love would be upon me and upon us as we hope in you God. I pray that we would grow in our worship God. We would love you and see you go to the ends of the earth. Collison knew that I pray. Amen.