Our Fall Baptism Sunday is right around the corner! Christ is working in the lives of people in our church and we have the privilege of getting to celebrate new believers being baptized! Baptisms will be on Sunday, August 25th after second service. If you would like to be baptized, apply today!
Now if you’ve never been baptized, you may be asking, “Why should I be baptized?” or “Why is it important?”
Well, water baptism is an important part of a disciples life as it “signifies a believer’s union with Christ in his life, death, burial, and resurrection, and one’s membership in the church, God’s new covenant people.1” Baptism was established by Jesus Christ as a sacrament or ordinance to be practiced by all believers. Being baptized is not only a symbol of our union with Christ but also an act of obedience.
If you have more questions about baptism or want to talk with someone, feel free to email us or fill out the form linked above and let us know you want to talk with someone more about baptism.

Do you have a child that is interested in being baptized? Pastor Dan has put together a short document that covers 16 biblical questions to ask and discuss with your child before you decide for them to be baptized. Here is that resource for you to utilize as you open up that conversation!