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For the first time at Sower, we will gather on Good Friday to worship and read through scripture as we celebrate the work that Christ did on the cross for all of us. We hope you can join us on Friday, March 29 at 6pm.

The events of Good Friday were horrible, yet necessary, as Jesus became the ultimate atonement for our sins, to reconcile us to God once and for all. He was arrested, stood trial, was sentenced to be crucified, and then forced to carry His cross to Golgotha, with the help of Simon of Cyrene (Matthew 27:1–26Mark 15:1–15Luke 23:1–25John 18:28–19:16) (Matthew 27:27–32Mark 15:16–22Luke 23:26–33John 19:16–17).

On the third hour, at 9 am, He was crucified (Mark 15:25). As Roman soldiers guarded the site of the crucifixion, they divided His clothes. Those who passed by mocked Him:

“He can’t save himself. Come down from there, if you’re the Son of God.”
(Matthew 27:36–43Mark 15:29–32Luke 23:35–38)

Around noon, darkness descended upon the land for three hours (Matthew 27:45Mark 15:33). There was an earthquake, and the temple curtain was torn (Matthew 27:51–54Mark 15:38Luke 23:45Matthew 27:46–50Mark 15:33–37Luke 23:35–38John 19:29).

At 3 pm, Jesus cried out, “‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” and said, “It is finished,” and He gave up His spirit and breathed His last. (Matthew 27:46Mark 15:34–39Luke 23:46John 19:30).

To ensure Jesus was dead, the soldiers thrust a spear into His side, the final scar of His crucifixion. Joseph of Arimathea was allowed to take down Jesus’s body to be buried in a nearby grave. The grave was then sealed with a with a large round stone.

But that was not the end.

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