We moved to Lincoln just over a year ago, wanting to get plugged into a church quickly, but also wanting to ensure it was the place God wanted us to be. We decided to try Sower Church. There were three things that stuck out to us at our first service:
1) The diversity. Sower Church is a church that exemplifies Revelation 7:9. “…there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language.” We serve a God that is a God of all people! It was such a joy to see different races and ethnicities of people worshipping God together.
2) The age of the congregation. We are a couple in our mid-twenties, married for just over three years. We were looking for a church where we could build friendships and experience fellowship with other people in a similar stage of life.
3) One of the most welcoming places we have ever been. At no other church did we even feel like we were noticed as new people. That first Sunday at Sower Church, we met a pastor who had a real conversation with us. He then handed us over to another couple who had a conversation with us and introduced us to people in their community group. They went on a double date with us before we even attended again. It was our first day, and they made us feel like we were cherished and valued, exactly as Jesus did.
We were hooked! We joined a community group, and God has been faithful. Currently, God is challenging Claire and I in Biblical discipline. We are seeking to meet with Him more consistently each day, understanding the eternal value of filling our soul with the truth of the Bible.