Generosity is an important core value of our church. It’s one of the many ways we get to express our love and gratitude for Christ saving us. In fact, regularly giving is a mark of a growing faith relationship with Jesus and a commitment to embrace His mission. Generously engaging in God’s mission has allowed us to witness the Holy Spirit draw more people to Christ, heal broken lives and restore family relationships here in Lincoln and other parts of the world. Praise God!
As a disciple of Christ, someone who is committed to his Word, Church and Mission, ask yourself…
Why do I give what I do (or don’t)?
In 2 Corinthians, God reveals that He loves cheerful givers.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
To God, why we give is the most important part. Those who step forward are driven by gratitude and faith. Gratitude recognizes that we have been given much by our incredibly gracious Creator and Savior. Faith shows we really trust Him to care and provide for us.
Grateful faith-giving sets our hearts free from the negative control of money and deepens our relationship with Jesus!
We are currently at $313,768-$338,673 pledged towards our Foundations Campaign! It is so encouraging to see your generosity as we continue working towards our goal of $400,000.
This Sunday, May 5th, is PLEDGE SUNDAY. This is our last big push to get in pledges so we can hit our fundraising goal.
Praise God for the work he is currently doing and will continue to do.
All gifts over our goal of $400,000 will go towards paying off the loan on our church’s building. The current loan amount remaining on our building is $400,666.50. Paying off our loan will free up room in our budget so that we can be even more generous to future church plants, missions, and beyond.
If you have not already pledged, please prayerfully consider how you can contribute towards this campaign. We believe this campaign with help us to fulfill our vision as a church – to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love his Word, Church, and Mission. With your help, we plan to build a firm foundation, here at Sower, for the future generations.

We still have 84 members left who have not pledged towards the campaign. Please be praying for faithful and generous hearts from our members and for 100% of our members to have pledged an amount towards helping us build a firm foundation for future generations by May 5th.
We also ask that you continue to pray that we will raise above and beyond our goal amount so we, as a church, can continue to be generous as God is generous to us.