Ministry Spotlight: Youth Group

Ministry Spotlight: Youth Group

We’re all about building our next generation! Our Youth Group is all about equipping parents and teens to be fully-devoted followers of Christ.

1.) Purpose of Youth Group?

To assist parents/guardians in discipling their teens to follow Christ as they move into adulthood.

 2.) Meeting times/days?

Regular Youth Group meetings are the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. We also have a once a month fun/outreach activity the third or fourth Friday of the month. 

3.) Who leads the group?

The youth group is a parent-led youth ministry. Dads rotate for the teaching topic, but some moms attend as well. We will gladly utilize any young professionals who want to help, but parents lead out regarding content and teaching. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help with the youth group, contact Ben Lennander or send an email to

Youth Group | Fall 2021

4.) Most encouraging happening so far?

We have had a great start last fall with new families and teens joining. With the merger of Restoration City and Sower, we spent time getting to know each other and building relationships.
5.) Major God story?

Teens from our youth group were baptized this past October.

6.) Goals for the year?

Develop community as a group; Grow in our outreach and service; Incorporate new teens and families who have been coming to church but haven’t attended youth group yet.

7) What fun activities do you do?

We do a lot of fun activities together, including ice skating, movie nights, game nights, etc.
In addition, some of our youth group have attended our member’s sporting events. For example, the group showed up to a football up with signs and face paint to support their friend.

Sower 2021