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Back in December, we announced the exciting news that we would be planting another church! Our first church plant, led by Pastor Derek Rempe, was in Highland, Kansas.

And now, less than a year later, alongside Country Bible Church – a church partnered with us in the Lincoln Bible Collective – Sam Larson and his family will be helping start a church in Hickman, Nebraska. Sam has been a member of Sower Church for the past two years, led one of our Community Groups, and taken part in our Leadership Cohort for men to one day step into a pastoral role.

The congregation of Country Bible has been working diligently to build a gospel-centered community and presence in Hickman. This is an answer to prayer as we go to plant a church. There is already an established community that can come together to reach more of Hickman with the gospel.

We are excited for Sam and Sydney Larson and for the Lord’s leading in seeing a Gospel-centered church established in Hickman. Join us in celebrating and praising God for another opportunity to plant a church! Please pray for Sam and his family, the new church, and for the Gospel to make an impact in the Hickman community.


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